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Reports and Scores
at your fingertips.

Monitor your progress with individual score cards and broader reports for all your online assessments with one touch.


Having the right data is absolutely critical to learning how to leverage it and turn it into useful information that is critical for self-directed learning and strategy building.


Autonomy comes in many shapes and sizes. We want you to learn at your own pace. But we also want you to have the right tools to keep you on track. So we've designed a mobile dashboard for you that will help you or your teacher build and customize your own learning plan, and help you develop accountability and self-regulation.

Learner analytics,
Visual Analytics

But numbers in themselves aren't too insightful without context. However, a picture paints a thousand words.


Compare learning across different skills or skill sets such as 'Reading' and 'Listening', recognize behavior patterns such as improved time management, or identify anomalies in self-discipline, we've brought the weight and power of data analytics straight to the learner through visuals that are easy to read and understand, and update automatically with your progress, compounding your knowledge-base about your own learning and progress.

 This is good news for teachers too!  Not only do teachers save valuable time and tons of effort, but they are now armed with insights at the overall class level, as well as unique insights about each individual learner that they can now use to do what they do best: provide a  human  learning experience.

Task Management.

With A well-crafted study plan filled with research planning, practice exercises, and group discussions, it can become overwhelming to keep track of it all.

Switch views with one tap to check off what you've got going on, what you've got coming up, and what you've got to catch up on. Good planning and excecution are critical to getting the results you want.

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